Works 1943-1958

The story of Abraham アブラハムの物語

This print was exhibited in 1943 at the Exhibition of Tokyo Prefectural Crafsmen. Watanabe withdrew this print on advice of his teacher Serizawa Keisuke.

The story of Ruth ルツ物語

1947-1stencil print on washi,unlimited edition,145 x 97 cm, 57 x 38 inches.Some copies of this print are dated 1958.In 1947 Watanabe received the first Japan Folk Art Museum Prize for  this print. This print was also awarded in 1948 with the Kokugakai Prize.

Little Drops of Water. 


In 1953 Watanabe made a series of 5 prints about Julia Carney's song Little Drops of Water.

The story of Samson 

サムソンの 物 

In the period 1947-1952 Watanabe made a series of 12 stencil prints about the story of Samson.  

The disciples go fishing


1950sstencil print on washi,unlimited edition.John 21, 3.ヨハネによる福音書 21,3.

The disciples go fishing



Girls and quails 


1956-1stencil print on washi,unlimited edition,48 x 55 cm, 19 x 22 inches.In 1956 this print was awarded by the Japan Print Academy.

The waters of Meribah メリバの水

1957-1stencil print on washi,edition *,36 x 50 cm, 14 x 20 inches.This print was shown in the 1960 exhibition "Japan's Modern Prints" of the Art Institute of Chicago. 

The song of Isaiah 


The Song of Isaiah is a series of 22 stencil prints about Isaiah 35, 6-10 and a Japanese hymn/chant that closely follows the text of the verses and ends with a doxology.

The song of Isaiah 


イザヤ / Isaiah 35, 6

A colored copy of one of the prints from the Isaiah series.

The bronze serpent 


1958-1astencil print on washi,unlimited edition,59 x 100 cm, 23 x 39 inches.This print won the first prize at the 1958 Modern Japanese Print Exhibition in New York City. 

The bronze serpent 


1958-1bhand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 50,59 x 100 cm, 23 x 39 inches.

The bronze serpent 


1958-1chand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 50,59 x 100 cm, 23 x 39 inches.This colored version is dated 1960.

The bronze serpent 


1958-1dhand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 50,59 x 100 cm, 23 x 39 inches.

The bronze serpent 


1958-1ehand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 50,59 x 100 cm, 23 x 39 inches.

The bronze serpent 


1958-1fhand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 50,59 x 100 cm, 23 x 39 inches.

Five apostles 五人使徒

1958-2astencil print on momigami,edition 50,59 x 97 cm, 23 x 38 inches.

Five apostles 五人使徒

1958-2bhand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 50,59 x 97 cm, 23 x 38 inches.

Parable of the vineyard


1958-3ahand colored stencil print on washi,edition 50,59 x 94 cm, 23 x 37 inches.

Parable of the vineyard


1958-3bhand colored stencil print on washi,edition 50,59 x 94 cm, 23 x 37 inches.

Parable of the vineyard


1958-3chand colored stencil print on washi,edition 50,59 x 94 cm, 23 x 37 inches.

The song of Isaiah 


1958-4hand colored stencil print on washi,edition ,58 x 45cm, 23 x 18 inches.

Parable of the laborers in the vineyard 労働の比喩

1958-5stencil print on washi,edition 50,62 x 92 cm, 24 x 36 inches.

Parable of the laborers in the vineyard 労働の比喩

1958-6stencil print on washi,edition 50 (1958-5 and 6?),130 x 92 cm, 51 x 36 inches.The upper part is the same design as 1958-5.

Girls and quails 鶉を捕る少女

1958-7hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 50,59 x 94 cm, 23 x 37 inches.

Girls and quails 鶉を捕る少女
