Works 1984
Christ and the sick 病める者とキリスト
1984-1ahand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.
Christ and the sick 病める者とキリスト
1984-1bhand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.
Paul preaching パウロの説教
1984-2hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.
Noah's ark ノアのはこぶね
1984-3hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.
The disciples catch fish 魚を獲た弟子
1984-4hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.
The wedding at Cana カナの婚宴
1984-5hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,59 x 67 cm, 23 x 26 inches.
A modern madonna 聖母子
1984-6hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,62 x 46 cm, 24 x18 inches.
The anointing with oil and tears 香油で足を拭う
1984-7No information available.
The three wise men and their horses
1984-8hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,64 x 74 cm, 25 x 29 inches.
Jonah ヨナ
1984-9hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.
Nativity 降誕
1984-10hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,74 x 64 cm, 29 x 25 inches.
The good samaritan よきサマリア人
1984-11hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,59 x 67 cm, 23 x 26 inches.
Martha and Mary
1984-12(1984 not certain)hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.
Three fishermen 三人の漁師
1984-13hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,62 x 46 cm, 24 x18 inches.
The good samaritan よきサマリア人
1984-14hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,47 x 59 cm, 18 x 23 inches.
A modern madonna 聖母子
1984-w1hand colored stencil print on washi,open edition,34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.