Works 1964
Three apostles
Three apostles
At the beautiful gate 美しの門
The morning of the resurrection 復活の朝
Grapes of Canaan カナンの葡萄
Jesus in Levi's house 取税人レビの饗宴
The wise and foolish virgins 賢女と愚女
The poor man Lazarus 貧しいラザロ
The way to Calvary ゴルゴタヘの道
Jacob wrestling with the angel 相撲に負けたヤコブ
Jacob's dream ヤコブの夢
The three wise man on their horses 馬上三博士
They lowered the paralyzed man 病人を吊り下ろす
The visitation 訪問
Shepherds 羊飼い
The morning of the resurrection 復活の朝
Nativity 降誕
Christ, Peter and John キリスト、ペテロ、ヨハネ
The wedding at Cana カナの婚宴
The risen Christ gives loaves and fishes 復活の主、パンと魚を与える
The woman of Canaan カナンの女
Commissioned by The International Graphic Arts Society (IGAS). For this print in an edition of 50, see 1962-4.
Beggar and Saints 乞食と聖人
Nativity 'Christmas' 降誕 「クリスマス」
Commissioned by The International Graphic Arts Society (IGAS). For this print in an edition of 50, see 1963-5.
The three wise man and their horses
Noah's ark ノアのはこぶね
Noah's ark ノアのはこぶね
Jacob's dream ヤコブの夢
Nativity 降誕
Nativity 降誕
The good samaritan よきサマリア人
They lowered the paralyzed man 病人を吊り下ろす
The morning of the ressurection 復活の朝