Works 1967
Adam and Eve アダムとエバ
Abraham and the unknown guests 見知らぬ客
Abraham and the unknown guests 見知らぬ客
The sacrifice of Isaac イサクをささげるアブラハム
The sacrifice of Isaac イサクをささげるアブラハム
The sacrifice of Isaac イサクをささげるアブラハム
The last supper 最後の晩餐
The well in Samaria サマリアの井戸
Peter's denial ペテロの否認
The boat in the storm 嵐の中の舟
Practice of the words of God
Miraculous big catch
Paul at Damascus ダマスカスのパウロ
The handkerchief of Veronicaヴェロニカのハンカチ
The handkerchief of Veronica
Jacob tending Laban's flocks 羊を飼うヤコブ
The flight into Egypt エジプト逃避
The flight into Egypt エジプト逃避
Descent from the cross 降架
The cleansing of the temple 宮潔め
The birth in the stable 厩舎で誕生
The birth in the stable 厩舎で誕生
The anxiety of Peter 恐れるペテロ
A helping hand to the stray sheep 救われた羊
The crossing of the Red Sea 紅海を渡る人々
The angel ascends from the rising of the sun 太陽を抜け出る天使
The raising of Lazarus ラザラスの復活
The Egyptians in the Red Sea 紅海を渡る者と沈む者
Peter's denial
Nativity 降誕
The adoration of the three kings 三王礼拝
The shepherds in the stable 降誕
The miraculous draught of fish 奇跡の大漁
Miraculous good haul 奇跡の大漁
Jesus and the children キリストと子供
The triumphal entry エルサレム入城
The morning of the resurrection 復活の朝
The conversion of Paul
Children's day 子供の日