Works 1982
The triumphal entry エルサレム入城
Jesus washes Peter's feet 洗足
Jesus washes Peter's feet 洗足
The last supper 最後の晩餐
The adoration of the three kings 三王礼拝
A pilar of cloud 曇の柱
Noah's ark ノアのはこぶね
The flight into Egypt エジプト逃避
The good shepherd 良き羊飼い
The miracle of catching fish 奇跡の大漁
The annunciation 受胎告知
The last supper
Nativity 降誕
The song of Simeon シメオンの祝福
The flight into Egypt エジプト逃避
Jesus in Joseph's workshop ヨセフの工房にいるイエス
Feast of the tabernacle 初穂の祈り
The twelve year old Jesus is going to the temple イエスは神殿に行きます
The twelve year old Jesus in the temple イエスは神殿にいる
The entry of Jerusalem エルサレム入城
Jesus washes Peter's feet 洗足
The last supper 最後の晩餐
Pentecost ペンテコステ
Jesus of Nazareth, a beautiful boy (1982 book ).
- Nativity,
- The presentation in the temple,
- The flight into Egypt,
- Jesus in Joseph's workshop,
- Feast of the tabernacle,
- The twelve year old Jesus is going to the temple,
- The twelve year old Jesus in the temple.
Jesus of Nazareth, a beautiful boy (1982 book ).
Original design.