Works 1982

The triumphal entry エルサレム入城 

1982-1hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,90 x 67 cm, 35x 26 inches.

Jesus washes Peter's feet 洗足

1982-2ahand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.

Jesus washes Peter's feet 洗足

1982-2bhand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.

The last supper 最後の晩餐 

1982-3hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,59 x 67 cm, 23 x 26 inches.

The adoration of the three kings  三王礼拝

1982-4hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,62 x 46 cm, 24 x 18 inches.

A pilar of cloud 曇の柱

1982-5hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,00 x 00 cm, 00 x 00 inches.

Noah's ark ノアのはこぶね

1982-6hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,62 x 46 cm, 24 x 18 inches.

The flight into Egypt エジプト逃避

1982-7hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,62 x 46 cm, 24 x 18 inches.

The good shepherd 良き羊飼い

1982-7hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,62 x 46 cm, 24 x 18 inches.

The miracle of catching fish 奇跡の大漁

1982-8hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,00 x 00 cm, 00 x 00 inches.

The annunciation 受胎告知 

1982-9hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,00 x 00 cm, 00 x 00 inches.

The last supper 


Nativity 降誕

1982-w1hand colored stencil print on washi,open edition,34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.

The song of Simeon シメオンの祝福

1982-w2hand colored stencil print on washi,open edition,34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.

The flight into Egypt  エジプト逃避

1982-w3hand colored stencil print on washi,open edition,34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.

Jesus in Joseph's workshop ヨセフの工房にいるイエス

1982-w4hand colored stencil print on washi,open edition,34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.

Feast of the tabernacle 初穂の祈り

1982-w5hand colored stencil print on washi,open edition,34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.

The twelve year old Jesus is going to the temple イエスは神殿に行きます

1982-w6hand colored stencil print on washi,open edition,34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.

The twelve year old Jesus in the temple イエスは神殿にいる

1982-w7hand colored stencil print on washi,open edition,34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.

The entry of Jerusalem エルサレム入城

1982-w9hand colored stencil print on washi,open edition,34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.

Jesus washes Peter's feet 洗足

1982-w10hand colored stencil print on washi,open edition,34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.

The last supper 最後の晩餐

1982-w11hand colored stencil print on washi,open edition,34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.

Pentecost ペンテコステ

1982-w12hand colored stencil print on washi,open edition,34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.

Jesus of Nazareth, a beautiful boy (1982 book ).


These 1982 washi prints are reproduced in this book:
  • Nativity
  • The presentation in the temple, 
  • The flight into Egypt
  • Jesus in Joseph's workshop, 
  • Feast of the tabernacle, 
  • The twelve year old Jesus is going to the temple, 
  • The twelve year old Jesus in the temple.

Jesus of Nazareth, a beautiful boy (1982 book ).


Original design.