Works 1992
Christ preaching look at the birds in the air キリストの説教: 空の鳥を見よ
1992-1 hand colored stencil print on momigami, edition 100, 67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.
The prodigal son 放蕩息子
1992-2hand colored stencil print on momigami, edition 100, 67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.
The miraculous draught of fish 奇跡の大漁
1992-3 hand colored stencil print on momigami, edition 100, 67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.
Noah's ark ノアの方舟
1992-34hand colored stencil print on momigami, edition 100, 67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.
Jesus washes Peter's feet 洗足
1992-5hand colored stencil print on momigami, edition 100, 67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.
Jesus washes Peter's feet 洗足
detailThe annunciation 受胎告知
1992-w1hand colored stencil print on washi open edition, 45 x 34 cm, 18 x 13 inches.
Nativity 降誕
1992-w2hand colored stencil print on washi, open edition, 34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.
The baptism of Christ キリストの洗礼
1992-w3 hand colored stencil print on washi, open edition, 34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.
The healing of the blind 盲人を癒すキリスト
1992-w4 hand colored stencil print on washi, open edition, 34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.
Christ preaching キリストの説教: 空の鳥を見よ
1992-w5 hand colored stencil print on washi, open edition, 34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.
Peter and the key ペテロと鍵
1992-w6 hand colored stencil print on washi, open edition, 34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.
Jesus washes Peter's feet 洗足
1992-w7 hand colored stencil print on washi, open edition, 45 x 34 cm, 18 x 13 inches.
Jesus and the children キリストと子供
1992-w8 hand colored stencil print on washi, open edition, 34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.
The last supper 最後の晩餐
1992-w9 hand colored stencil print on washi, open edition, 34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.
The crucified Jesus 十字架
1992-w10 hand colored stencil print on washi, open edition, 34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.
The morning of the ressurection 復活の朝
1992-w11 hand colored stencil print on washi, open edition, 34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.
The ascension 昇天
1992-w12 hand colored stencil print on washi, open edition, 34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.