Works 1988

The women at the sepulchre 主の墓を訪れる婦人

1988-1hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.

Mary and Elisabeth

マリアト エリサベト

1988-2hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.

Jesus washing Peter's feet 洗足

1988-3hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,62 x 46 cm, 24 x18 inches.

The three kings三王

1988-4hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.

Noah's ark


1988-5hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition probably 100,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.

A modern madonna 聖母子

1988-6hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 100,62 x 46 cm, 24 x18 inches.

Three fishermen 三人の漁師

1988-w1hand colored stencil print on washi,open edition,34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.

A disciple borrowing a donkey ロバを借りる人

1988-w2hand colored stencil print on washi,open edition,34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches

Jesus washes Peter's feet 洗足

1988-w3hand colored stencil print on washi,open edition,34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches

Mary and Elisabeth - detail

The three kings - detail

A modern madonna - detail