Not catalogued works

Moses on the mountain 



stencil print on washi,

open edition,

33 x 45, Ø32 cm,

13 x 18, Ø12 inches.

Deuteronomy 34, 1-5 

申命記 34, 1-5


1971stencil print on washi,unlimited edition,34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches. 
The print has a text in hiragana. The text on the print reads: No traveller, not even fools, shall go astray. (Isaiah 35:8).
Reading of the hiragana: Watanabe Junko.

Mary receives Jesus' words at Cana 


1971stencil print on washi,unlimited edition,46 x 34 cm, 18 x 13 inches. 
The print has a text in hiragana:そのときなんちにかかわりなし我になんちは Then I have nothing to do with you, nor you with me.
ヨハネによる福音書2:4をもとに。Based on John 2:4.
Reading of the hiragana and translation: Watanabe Junko.

Book plates William I. Elliott

In 1969 Sadao Watanabe was a visiting faculty member of Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon in the USA. He taught about his work and showed his stencil technique at Linfield College. William I. Elliott, who introduced him to Linfield College, was his interpreter in class and daily life. From 1968-1983 William Elliott was a professor of English at Linfield College. One of Sadao Watanabe’s gifts to him was a packet of colored book plate prints, half with his name in English and half in katakana. 

In 1981 Sadao Watanabe was awarded an honorary doctorate of Fine Arts of Linfield College. In 1983 he visited Linfield College again and lectured and held a one-man show.

The labels are approximately 10 x 8 cm, 4 x 3 inches.

Angel and dog. 天使と犬。

stencil print on washi,unlimited edition,small size.

Angel and dog. 天使と犬。

hand colored stencil print on washi,unlimited edition,small size

Five loaves of bread and two fishes. 五つのパンと二匹の魚

stencil print on washi,unlimited edition,small size.

Grapes of Canaan. カナンの葡萄

stencil print on washi,unlimited edition,

16 x 11,50 cm, 6 x 4,5 inches.

Look at the birds of the air. Consider the lilies of the field.  空の鳥をよく見なさい。野の花がどのように育つのか、注意して見なさい。

stencil print on washi,unlimited edition,small size.

Jonah ヨナ

stencil print on washi,unlimited edition,small size.

Mary and Elisabeth 


stencil print on washi,unlimited edition,12 x 10 cm; 5 x 4 inches.

Ruth and Naomi 


stencil print on washi,unlimited edition,12 x 10 cm; 5 x 4 inches.

Teaching  教え

stencil print on washi,unlimited edition,12 x 10 cm; 5 x 4 inches.

Pentecost ペンテコステ 

stencil print on washi,unlimited edition,12 x 10 cm; 5 x 4 inches.

Caged birds 籠鳥

stencil print on washi,unlimited edition

Key 鍵

stencil print on washi,unlimited edition.

Mother and child 母子

stencil print on washi,unlimited edition,12 x 10 cm; 5 x 4 inches.

Mother and child 母子

stencil print on washi,unlimited edition,12 x 10 cm; 5 x 4 inches.