Works 1977

The last supper 最後の晩餐

1977-1hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 80,64 x 82 cm, 25 x 32 inches.

Jesus and the children キリストと子供

1977-2hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.

Noah's ark ノアのはこぶね

1977-3hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 80,89 x 61 cm, 35 x 24 inches.

Isaac's well イサクとゲラルの羊飼い

1977-4hand colored stencil print on washi,edition 70,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.

A modern madonna 聖母子

1977-5hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,00 x 00 cm, 00 x 00 inches.

The people who took up their crosses 十字架を背負う人々

1977-6hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,54 x 38 cm, 21 x 15 inches.

Mary and Elisabeth マリアとエリザベツ

1977-7hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,54 x 38 cm, 21 x 15 inches.

The good shepherd 良き羊飼い

1977-8ahand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,62 x 48 cm, 24 x 19 inches.

The good shepherd 良き羊飼い

1977-8bhand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,62 x 48 cm, 24 x 19 inches.

He divided her into twelve pieces 十二分断の女

(Judges 19, 29) 
1977-9hand colored stencil print on washi,edition 70,41 x 46 cm, 16 x 18 inches.

Girls and a lot of quails 鶉と少女

1977-10hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,54 x 44 cm, 21 x 17 inches.

The Samaritan well サマリアの井戸

1977-11hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,00 x 00 cm, 00 x 00 inches.

The ascension of Elijah エリヤの昇天

1977-12ahand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.

The ascension of Elijah エリヤの昇天

1977-12bhand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.

Noah's ark ノアのはこぶね

1977-13hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 80,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.

The last supper 最後の晩餐

1977-14hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,70 x 52 cm, 27 x 20 inches.

The poor man Lazarus 貧しいラザロ

1977-15hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.

Lazarus raised ラザロの復活

1977-16hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.

The Egyptians in the Red Sea 紅海を渡る者と沈む者

1977-17ahand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.

The Egyptians in the Red Sea 紅海を渡る者と沈む者

1977-17bhand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.

Storm on the sea 嵐の中の舟

1977-18hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,67 x 59 cm, 26 x 23 inches.

The archangel michael 天使ミカエル

1977-19hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition ?,00 x 00 cm, 00 x 00 inches.

Jesus washes Peter's feet 洗足

1977-20hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,54 x 38 cm, 21 x 15 inches.

Three fishermen 三人の漁師

1977-21hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,59 x 46 cm, 23 x 18 inches.

Nativity 降誕

1977-22hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,00 x 00 cm, 00 x 00 inches.

St. George and the dragon 聖ゲオルギオスと竜

1977-23hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,59 x 46 cm, 23 x 18 inches.

Jesus washes his disciples feet 十二弟子の洗足

1977-24hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,00 x 00 cm, 00 x 00 inches.

Jesus washes Peter's feet


1977-25hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,59 x 46 cm, 23 x 18 inches.

Three fishermen


1977-26hand colored stencil print on momigami,edition 70,52 x 38 cm, 20 x 15 inches.

Three fishermen 三人の漁師


Absalom's horse アブサロムの馬

1977-w1hand colored stencil print on washi,open edition,23 x 34 cm, 9 x13 inches.

Jesus and the children キリストと子供

1977-w2hand colored stencil print on washi,open edition,34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.

Peter's cock


1977-w3hand colored stencil print on washi,open edition,34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.

St. George and the dragon 聖ゲオルギオスと竜

1977-w4hand colored stencil print on washi,open edition,34 x 23 cm, 13 x 9 inches.